
Documentaries Reviewed


Genres Covered


Other Documentary Fans Who Send Me Tips

Hi. I'm Rob Kelly of Oakland, California (a husband, daddy and long-time documentary nerd). Thanks for checking out my newsletter!

Get One Awesome Documentary in Your Inbox Every Weekday

Hi. I'm Rob Kelly of Oakland, California (a husband, daddy and long-time documentary nerd). Thanks for visiting my site!

I’m on a completely insane, and totally epic, 15-year quest to find the best documentaries in the world.

I watch a “doc” just about every day. I’ve got 3,600+ of them organized by 1,800+ genres in a humungous (and really ugly) Google Sheets spreadsheet.

Now, I’m sharing them in an email newsletter called “Daily Doc”.

Most of my Daily Doc recommendations come from other “maniacs on a mission” who I’ve collected as friends over the years.

Some of them are elite performers in their niche (so they’ve watched the best docs on what they do!).

Others are just doc nerds like me who love finding truth that’s stranger (or cooler) than fiction.

The docs I recommend must meet my strict criteria of just 2 things. They must be:

  1. highly watchable (I binge-watch it) and
  2. highly shareable (I want to tell my family and buddies about it!).

A key goal for me is to save you  massive time.

So, every newsletter is short (just a paragraph).

And each includes an easy link about where the doc is streaming (Netflix, Hulu, Max, Disney+, YouTube, etc.).

You’ll be amazed at how many free links to docs I find.

I will also blow you away with rare footage. Heck, I just put up a cool new colorized version of guys climbing a mountain in 1899!

These are docs that you’ll be telling your partner or friends or kids about over dinner!

If you love docs, you can subscribe right here on the Daily Doc home page. 

But don’t subscribe unless you REALLY love documentaries.

I want super fans only. 

“True Fans” as Kevin Kelly says.

If you want just the mainstream documentaries everyone knows about, you can find the predictable bullsh!t on Oscar night or in USA Today and plenty of other places.

But if you want the good sh!t…the Glengarry leads, then join me on this crazy crusade. I won’t let you down!

Thx, Rob Kelly

Chief Maniac, Daily Doc


Documentaries Reviewed


Genres Covered


Other Documentary Fans Who Sent Me Tips